all postcodes in FK3 / GRANGEMOUTH

find any address or company within the FK3 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK3 8JB 3 2 56.011548 -3.720613
FK3 8JD 15 0 56.010257 -3.722664
FK3 8JE 40 0 56.01222 -3.721725
FK3 8JF 12 0 56.013929 -3.720983
FK3 8JH 9 0 56.017123 -3.719424
FK3 8JN 2 0 56.014945 -3.721542
FK3 8JP 17 1 56.015267 -3.720385
FK3 8JR 12 0 56.015181 -3.722707
FK3 8JS 14 0 56.014545 -3.721235
FK3 8JT 6 0 56.018042 -3.746756
FK3 8JU 57 0 56.013911 -3.722923
FK3 8JY 51 1 56.013305 -3.722511
FK3 8LA 70 0 56.011838 -3.722671
FK3 8LB 15 0 56.016287 -3.722612
FK3 8LD 13 0 56.015589 -3.722452
FK3 8LE 15 0 56.016057 -3.721735
FK3 8LF 46 1 56.015461 -3.720964
FK3 8LG 3 0 56.015461 -3.723265
FK3 8LH 8 8 56.011138 -3.733547
FK3 8LL 39 15 56.01303 -3.726108