all postcodes in FK5 / LARBERT

find any address or company within the FK5 postcode district

Postcode Area

FK / Falkirk

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FK5 3EY 23 0 56.01614 -3.826532
FK5 3EZ 14 0 56.015362 -3.823848
FK5 3HA 1 0 56.016455 -3.822231
FK5 3HB 13 0 56.016583 -3.823328
FK5 3HG 12 0 56.016738 -3.820736
FK5 3HJ 21 0 56.023765 -3.823201
FK5 3HL 23 0 56.022892 -3.823257
FK5 3HN 39 1 56.020926 -3.822522
FK5 3HP 8 0 56.023486 -3.823798
FK5 3HQ 7 0 56.024147 -3.82346
FK5 3HR 33 0 56.02392 -3.822438
FK5 3HS 38 0 56.024505 -3.820508
FK5 3HT 20 0 56.022931 -3.824285
FK5 3HU 46 0 56.023409 -3.821692
FK5 3HW 37 0 56.02127 -3.82172
FK5 3HX 8 0 56.02226 -3.821028
FK5 3HY 39 0 56.021593 -3.81997
FK5 3HZ 36 0 56.022081 -3.819127
FK5 3JA 46 0 56.021814 -3.81775
FK5 3JB 10 0 56.024142 -3.822577