all postcodes in FY1 / BLACKPOOL

find any address or company within the FY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

FY / Blackpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FY1 6BH 10 8 53.800587 -3.055013
FY1 6BJ 9 7 53.801645 -3.05496
FY1 6BL 2 1 53.802401 -3.054842
FY1 6BN 3 3 53.802837 -3.054766
FY1 6BP 77 41 53.802643 -3.053303
FY1 6BQ 17 6 53.799247 -3.055176
FY1 6BS 58 20 53.802047 -3.053193
FY1 6BT 10 0 53.80179 -3.053206
FY1 6BU 57 29 53.801405 -3.052983
FY1 6BY 10 0 53.80119 -3.055013
FY1 6BZ 79 2 53.80066 -3.052828
FY1 6DA 14 0 53.80088 -3.052348
FY1 6DG 8 0 53.80392 -3.051164
FY1 6DH 11 2 53.803744 -3.05078
FY1 6LD 15 2 53.802394 -3.044794
FY1 6DJ 25 3 53.802859 -3.051183
FY1 6DL 22 1 53.803262 -3.051979
FY1 6DN 10 1 53.80258 -3.051825
FY1 6DR 40 1 53.802901 -3.050455
FY1 6DS 9 0 53.803866 -3.052164