all postcodes in FY1 / BLACKPOOL

find any address or company within the FY1 postcode district

Postcode Area

FY / Blackpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FY1 6NQ 46 1 53.80202 -3.036748
FY1 6NR 1 0 53.802811 -3.039216
FY1 6NS 22 0 53.801933 -3.037858
FY1 6NT 22 0 53.802204 -3.037607
FY1 6NU 27 0 53.801247 -3.039208
FY1 6NW 39 2 53.801293 -3.03807
FY1 6NX 40 1 53.802984 -3.039904
FY1 6NY 16 1 53.800956 -3.03958
FY1 6PA 8 6 53.802919 -3.034011
FY1 6PE 25 1 53.801143 -3.034221
FY1 6PF 9 0 53.801776 -3.035228
FY1 6PG 36 5 53.801789 -3.032662
FY1 6PJ 35 0 53.802514 -3.031966
FY1 6PL 30 0 53.803122 -3.033348
FY1 6PN 41 2 53.802484 -3.034026
FY1 6PR 42 1 53.802973 -3.035029
FY1 6PS 6 0 53.802226 -3.035102
FY1 6PT 21 0 53.802708 -3.036572
FY1 6PU 22 5 53.80338 -3.038835
FY1 6PW 1 0 53.804234 -3.039828