all postcodes in FY3 / BLACKPOOL

find any address or company within the FY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

FY / Blackpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FY3 9EX 19 0 53.813132 -3.033715
FY3 9EZ 40 3 53.81279 -3.032366
FY3 9FD 1 1 53.818782 -3.051672
FY3 9FY 18 0 53.80953 -3.030346
FY3 9FZ 29 0 53.809388 -3.031178
FY3 9GZ 1 0 53.818696 -3.051848
FY3 9HA 4 0 53.812915 -3.030688
FY3 9HB 13 1 53.812726 -3.030314
FY3 9HD 13 3 53.813297 -3.033309
FY3 9HF 9 5 53.810768 -3.032655
FY3 9HH 1 1 53.810774 -3.031956
FY3 9HJ 9 1 53.808944 -3.031516
FY3 9HN 6 0 53.808678 -3.032209
FY3 9HP 44 0 53.810303 -3.030259
FY3 9HQ 1 1 53.812902 -3.027999
FY3 9HR 42 0 53.811059 -3.030186
FY3 9HS 27 0 53.810078 -3.028218
FY3 9HT 13 0 53.81028 -3.027707
FY3 9HU 23 1 53.812261 -3.029441
FY3 9HW 8 0 53.809465 -3.032623