all postcodes in FY3 / BLACKPOOL

find any address or company within the FY3 postcode district

Postcode Area

FY / Blackpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
FY3 9HX 19 0 53.813906 -3.030469
FY3 9JA 12 0 53.810517 -3.032588
FY3 9JB 9 0 53.810485 -3.032071
FY3 9JD 2 0 53.80377 -3.006497
FY3 9JE 20 0 53.809161 -3.029274
FY3 9JF 25 0 53.809701 -3.029227
FY3 9JG 20 0 53.808494 -3.029486
FY3 9JH 6 0 53.80945 -3.027034
FY3 9JJ 25 0 53.808865 -3.029267
FY3 9JL 57 6 53.807746 -3.031791
FY3 9JN 33 0 53.807799 -3.029863
FY3 9JQ 4 0 53.8081 -3.030402
FY3 9JR 12 5 53.805579 -3.028776
FY3 9JS 6 3 53.806361 -3.029798
FY3 9JU 11 0 53.81835 -3.032067
FY3 9JY 3 2 53.806883 -3.030429
FY3 9LB 29 1 53.807498 -3.029325
FY3 9LD 38 0 53.808786 -3.027989
FY3 9LE 2 0 53.807732 -3.028931
FY3 9LF 4 0 53.808081 -3.029046