all postcodes in G12 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G12 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G12 0QL 11 0 55.886821 -4.300537
G12 0QN 42 0 55.887123 -4.300235
G12 0QQ 1 0 55.886632 -4.299582
G12 0QR 10 0 55.887708 -4.303116
G12 0QS 3 0 55.890451 -4.302209
G12 0QT 11 0 55.887871 -4.300647
G12 0QU 58 0 55.88759 -4.300936
G12 0QW 22 1 55.887453 -4.303757
G12 0QY 8 0 55.887799 -4.299365
G12 0QZ 1 0 55.875687 -4.31772
G12 0RB 51 1 55.882522 -4.300203
G12 0RL 2 1 55.880689 -4.29749
G12 0RN 29 0 55.881099 -4.298185
G12 0RQ 9 0 55.88189 -4.29604
G12 0RR 43 0 55.882372 -4.301235
G12 0RS 8 1 55.88259 -4.301406
G12 0RU 2 0 55.882734 -4.300616
G12 0RW 6 0 55.881633 -4.299686
G12 0RX 28 0 55.883029 -4.299561
G12 0RY 9 0 55.883048 -4.300426