all postcodes in G12 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G12 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G12 0PF 3 0 55.883681 -4.298784
G12 0PG 5 0 55.884159 -4.301611
G12 0PH 10 0 55.88493 -4.303607
G12 0PJ 32 1 55.88532 -4.304862
G12 0PN 1 1 55.875687 -4.31772
G12 0PQ 18 0 55.884431 -4.302922
G12 0PR 82 0 55.884548 -4.297108
G12 0PT 27 0 55.884121 -4.299979
G12 0PU 24 0 55.884712 -4.300396
G12 0PW 23 0 55.885963 -4.305587
G12 0PX 9 0 55.885157 -4.302533
G12 0PZ 43 0 55.885681 -4.301445
G12 0QA 64 0 55.885182 -4.299257
G12 0QB 28 0 55.885646 -4.298469
G12 0QD 8 0 55.885953 -4.298918
G12 0QE 1 0 55.886097 -4.298399
G12 0QF 3 1 55.885848 -4.297313
G12 0QG 30 0 55.886434 -4.298147
G12 0QH 32 0 55.886078 -4.300397
G12 0QJ 3 0 55.886596 -4.301515