all postcodes in G12 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G12 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G12 8BS 32 0 55.875377 -4.289612
G12 8BT 33 0 55.875566 -4.290087
G12 8BW 28 0 55.876562 -4.288739
G12 8BX 30 0 55.876322 -4.289524
G12 8BY 46 2 55.876184 -4.290219
G12 8BZ 34 1 55.876452 -4.290315
G12 8DH 7 0 55.878118 -4.287679
G12 8DJ 13 0 55.877609 -4.288001
G12 8DL 11 0 55.877912 -4.287683
G12 8DN 35 0 55.877073 -4.284452
G12 8DP 9 0 55.877757 -4.286811
G12 8DQ 20 0 55.877999 -4.28828
G12 8DR 16 1 55.877427 -4.283754
G12 8DS 4 0 55.877345 -4.282869
G12 8DT 24 0 55.877149 -4.282266
G12 8DU 22 0 55.876346 -4.282939
G12 8DW 30 0 55.877435 -4.285769
G12 8DX 7 0 55.876369 -4.283644
G12 8DY 48 0 55.876567 -4.284598
G12 8DZ 13 0 55.876948 -4.285852