all postcodes in G12 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G12 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G12 8QL 1 55.873592 -4.290866
G12 8QN 3 55.873753 -4.291419
G12 8QQ 1 55.871751 -4.28836
G12 8QW 1 55.87341 -4.291958
G12 8QX 5 55.877372 -4.289138
G12 8RA 5 55.877039 -4.287905
G12 8RD 0 55.876933 -4.28761
G12 8RE 9 55.876681 -4.286699
G12 8RF 2 55.876493 -4.286624
G12 8RG 0 55.876726 -4.287134
G12 8RH 0 55.876131 -4.288218
G12 8RJ 1 55.875275 -4.288839
G12 8RN 0 55.875578 -4.287977
G12 8RP 0 55.87477 -4.28841
G12 8RQ 0 55.87646 -4.287949
G12 8RR 1 55.874333 -4.288256
G12 8RS 2 55.874229 -4.289465
G12 8RT 1 55.873749 -4.289886
G12 8RU 0 55.875051 -4.289753
G12 8RW 0 55.875012 -4.288488