all postcodes in G13 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G13 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G13 1GD 15 0 55.891509 -4.343149
G13 1GE 48 0 55.889332 -4.341835
G13 1GF 8 0 55.891106 -4.34071
G13 1GG 9 0 55.89054 -4.342083
G13 1GH 7 0 55.890533 -4.3401
G13 1GJ 25 0 55.890174 -4.342429
G13 1GL 79 0 55.889438 -4.340482
G13 1GN 10 0 55.890595 -4.343462
G13 1HA 1 1 55.890135 -4.324579
G13 1HB 1 1 55.890218 -4.324665
G13 1HF 1 1 55.889762 -4.32355
G13 1HH 28 9 55.889937 -4.324135
G13 1HJ 3 3 55.889336 -4.322325
G13 1HL 1 1 55.888897 -4.322569
G13 1HN 8 2 55.889019 -4.322769
G13 1HP 2 2 55.888891 -4.322554
G13 1HQ 35 10 55.889717 -4.323386
G13 1HR 21 3 55.889591 -4.322628
G13 1HS 1 0 55.890061 -4.323758
G13 1HT 1 1 55.890202 -4.321976