all postcodes in G13 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G13 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G13 1HU 14 5 55.890648 -4.324243
G13 1JB 30 0 55.89227 -4.321955
G13 1JD 9 4 55.892611 -4.321992
G13 1JE 1 1 55.895018 -4.326967
G13 1JF 1 1 55.892896 -4.32225
G13 1JG 47 2 55.892622 -4.320937
G13 1JH 44 0 55.892862 -4.320583
G13 1JJ 48 0 55.89323 -4.322972
G13 1JN 62 8 55.893924 -4.321446
G13 1JP 40 4 55.893879 -4.321955
G13 1JQ 5 1 55.893898 -4.316614
G13 1JR 30 0 55.894336 -4.321551
G13 1JS 17 0 55.894417 -4.3201
G13 1JT 1 1 55.89494 -4.320004
G13 1JW 32 0 55.893739 -4.320764
G13 1JX 30 0 55.893118 -4.323701
G13 1JZ 33 0 55.893325 -4.321283
G13 1LA 30 0 55.893511 -4.323325
G13 1LE 27 2 55.890569 -4.32494
G13 1LF 72 0 55.890983 -4.324901