all postcodes in G2 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G2 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G2 5NE 6 5 55.862043 -4.259024
G2 5NT 1 1 55.862333 -4.267477
G2 5NY 1 1 55.862333 -4.267477
G2 5PB 1 1 55.862333 -4.267477
G2 5QD 16 15 55.861903 -4.262019
G2 5QR 1 1 55.863062 -4.267872
G2 5QY 38 13 55.862054 -4.263308
G2 5RG 1 1 55.862583 -4.269236
G2 5RJ 1 1 55.862509 -4.263494
G2 5RL 21 15 55.862686 -4.265103
G2 5RQ 6 6 55.862364 -4.262559
G2 5RU 5 5 55.862904 -4.266744
G2 5RZ 1 1 55.862967 -4.267195
G2 5SE 1 1 55.861857 -4.257895
G2 5SH 1 1 55.86257 -4.263848
G2 5SJ 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5SP 1 1 55.862193 -4.260631
G2 5TF 31 27 55.861148 -4.255872
G2 5TU 1 1 55.861459 -4.254612
G2 5UB 28 22 55.861536 -4.255589