all postcodes in G2 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G2 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G2 5UT 1 1 55.86188 -4.258853
G2 5UX 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5UY 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5UZ 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5XS 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5XU 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5YJ 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5ZN 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G2 5AW 1 55.862361 -4.266936
G2 5AR 2 55.861138 -4.257885
G2 5ER 1 1 55.861692 -4.257102
G2 5LP 1 1 55.862527 -4.268623
G2 5LD 3 55.862583 -4.269236
G2 5AD 0 55.863227 -4.269385
G2 5AS 1 1 55.862583 -4.269236