all postcodes in G21 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G21 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G21 2EP 12 0 55.870577 -4.219255
G21 2ES 24 0 55.870189 -4.218623
G21 2ET 24 0 55.869358 -4.218864
G21 2EU 24 0 55.869524 -4.219592
G21 2EW 41 0 55.869978 -4.219093
G21 2EX 45 0 55.870017 -4.220164
G21 2EY 16 0 55.869326 -4.220604
G21 2EZ 7 0 55.868735 -4.220011
G21 2HA 7 0 55.868768 -4.219182
G21 2HB 5 0 55.868314 -4.218916
G21 2HD 15 0 55.868198 -4.2199
G21 2HE 16 0 55.868216 -4.220892
G21 2HF 5 0 55.868635 -4.22106
G21 2HG 9 1 55.868244 -4.221326
G21 2HH 14 0 55.867707 -4.221663
G21 2HJ 10 0 55.867571 -4.220232
G21 2HL 22 4 55.869635 -4.22112
G21 2JA 56 0 55.87016 -4.223705
G21 2JB 41 0 55.870467 -4.222156
G21 2JF 70 3 55.869267 -4.225348