all postcodes in G21 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G21 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G21 2JH 54 0 55.867232 -4.226606
G21 2JJ 30 0 55.867713 -4.225323
G21 2JX 32 0 55.866763 -4.223207
G21 2JY 56 0 55.866906 -4.221265
G21 2LA 9 0 55.868991 -4.228209
G21 2LB 12 0 55.867614 -4.231791
G21 2LD 25 0 55.868056 -4.225231
G21 2LE 29 0 55.867518 -4.230634
G21 2LF 15 0 55.866981 -4.231994
G21 2LG 40 0 55.867432 -4.229415
G21 2LH 35 0 55.867157 -4.228264
G21 2LJ 61 0 55.866933 -4.229194
G21 2LN 33 0 55.868087 -4.228014
G21 2LQ 56 0 55.866651 -4.228858
G21 2LR 15 0 55.868941 -4.227024
G21 2LS 14 0 55.866816 -4.23138
G21 2LT 40 0 55.86683 -4.230931
G21 2LX 9 0 55.868071 -4.229387
G21 2NF 2 2 55.868747 -4.231458
G21 2NN 24 0 55.867988 -4.230965