all postcodes in G21 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G21 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G21 3EQ 8 0 55.887194 -4.201044
G21 3ER 8 0 55.884428 -4.200903
G21 3ES 24 6 55.884126 -4.200199
G21 3ET 39 1 55.883132 -4.198
G21 3EU 30 0 55.883311 -4.194013
G21 3EW 34 0 55.885165 -4.200417
G21 3EX 48 0 55.883454 -4.19861
G21 3EY 4 0 55.883419 -4.200542
G21 3EZ 32 0 55.883447 -4.196962
G21 3HN 10 7 55.881761 -4.207023
G21 3HQ 1 1 55.878672 -4.204143
G21 3HR 56 0 55.882664 -4.206608
G21 3HS 24 0 55.883363 -4.205672
G21 3HU 9 0 55.884039 -4.205103
G21 3HW 45 1 55.882033 -4.206668
G21 3HX 28 0 55.884102 -4.203092
G21 3HY 49 0 55.885263 -4.205012
G21 3JP 1 0 55.888784 -4.204588
G21 3JR 16 1 55.887956 -4.207164
G21 3JS 26 0 55.888346 -4.207986