all postcodes in G21 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G21 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G21 3JT 24 0 55.887033 -4.207511
G21 3JU 14 0 55.887348 -4.208489
G21 3JX 44 0 55.885701 -4.207612
G21 3JZ 6 0 55.887273 -4.209156
G21 3LA 2 0 55.886627 -4.208802
G21 3LB 22 0 55.88794 -4.209578
G21 3LD 21 0 55.887058 -4.210663
G21 3LE 16 0 55.886794 -4.209848
G21 3LF 28 0 55.886217 -4.209912
G21 3LG 52 0 55.88593 -4.210903
G21 3LH 41 0 55.884205 -4.205832
G21 3LQ 50 0 55.884465 -4.207909
G21 3LS 34 0 55.890378 -4.203911
G21 3LY 17 0 55.888395 -4.217232
G21 3LZ 25 0 55.889352 -4.216519
G21 3NA 12 0 55.888443 -4.215571
G21 3NB 26 0 55.889032 -4.215813
G21 3ND 13 0 55.888976 -4.214402
G21 3NE 22 0 55.889655 -4.215145
G21 3NF 30 0 55.887613 -4.213765