all postcodes in G22 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G22 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G22 6EN 32 7 55.887112 -4.243432
G22 6EP 8 0 55.886978 -4.24536
G22 6ER 8 1 55.887193 -4.246078
G22 6ES 15 0 55.887499 -4.245358
G22 6ET 10 0 55.88732 -4.244804
G22 6EU 48 0 55.887638 -4.242663
G22 6EW 28 0 55.88717 -4.242716
G22 6EX 14 0 55.888194 -4.244198
G22 6EY 36 0 55.888061 -4.246542
G22 6EZ 12 0 55.888438 -4.248083
G22 6HA 2 0 55.888019 -4.248061
G22 6HB 19 0 55.887553 -4.248303
G22 6HD 10 0 55.887761 -4.246748
G22 6HE 7 0 55.887129 -4.247383
G22 6HF 6 0 55.886791 -4.247716
G22 6HG 10 0 55.887001 -4.248511
G22 6HH 14 2 55.888393 -4.249056
G22 6HQ 4 0 55.887457 -4.249113
G22 6HY 6 5 55.887031 -4.253936
G22 6HZ 30 0 55.886448 -4.256139