all postcodes in G22 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G22 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G22 6JJ 12 8 55.889257 -4.254383
G22 6JL 6 0 55.886257 -4.25672
G22 6JU 21 0 55.886344 -4.258867
G22 6JX 20 0 55.886924 -4.260532
G22 6LJ 11 9 55.887477 -4.25735
G22 6LL 7 7 55.892834 -4.260764
G22 6LN 45 0 55.889787 -4.258332
G22 6LP 38 0 55.890687 -4.256801
G22 6LR 34 0 55.891294 -4.253752
G22 6LS 18 0 55.891307 -4.254854
G22 6LT 8 0 55.891044 -4.25543
G22 6LU 36 0 55.891615 -4.256663
G22 6LW 12 0 55.89036 -4.256974
G22 6LX 36 0 55.891908 -4.25684
G22 6LY 4 0 55.891623 -4.257913
G22 6LZ 6 0 55.891255 -4.257666
G22 6NA 12 0 55.888129 -4.258286
G22 6NE 42 0 55.887543 -4.258681
G22 6NF 12 0 55.887274 -4.257868
G22 6NT 4 4 55.891031 -4.261237