all postcodes in G22 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G22 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G22 6SL 2 0 55.889289 -4.249683
G22 6SN 60 0 55.889658 -4.251624
G22 6SP 2 0 55.890441 -4.253524
G22 6SR 48 0 55.890919 -4.251009
G22 6SS 11 0 55.890804 -4.249403
G22 6ST 7 0 55.890547 -4.250188
G22 6SU 28 0 55.890073 -4.25056
G22 6SW 30 0 55.890133 -4.254146
G22 6SX 15 0 55.890527 -4.248843
G22 6SY 18 0 55.89077 -4.248028
G22 6SZ 55 1 55.892137 -4.250938
G22 6TA 26 0 55.892757 -4.250748
G22 6TB 27 0 55.893103 -4.250512
G22 6TU 28 0 55.886152 -4.251165
G22 6YF 1 1 55.886107 -4.246764
G22 6RL 0 55.884691 -4.256389
G22 6DX 0 55.88498 -4.256773
G22 6DR 0 55.884287 -4.258316
G22 6AD 0 55.884555 -4.259355
G22 6DP 0 55.884727 -4.25831