all postcodes in G22 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G22 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G22 6QF 36 0 55.892795 -4.254556
G22 6QG 34 0 55.892432 -4.254442
G22 6QH 34 0 55.893197 -4.25813
G22 6QJ 46 0 55.893538 -4.258646
G22 6QL 40 0 55.893471 -4.254452
G22 6QN 36 0 55.893107 -4.254385
G22 6QP 18 0 55.894977 -4.261033
G22 6QQ 6 0 55.893 -4.259768
G22 6QR 31 2 55.895333 -4.261693
G22 6QS 30 2 55.895623 -4.262574
G22 6QT 6 4 55.895679 -4.264864
G22 6QW 30 0 55.894027 -4.260418
G22 6QX 3 2 55.896384 -4.266153
G22 6RD 1 1 55.897194 -4.265593
G22 6RG 32 0 55.886224 -4.250689
G22 6RJ 1 1 55.88417 -4.255879
G22 6RN 45 3 55.884212 -4.255034
G22 6RU 6 4 55.886436 -4.245952
G22 6RY 1 1 55.886102 -4.24675
G22 6SJ 4 0 55.889877 -4.249509