all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G31 1HX 13 6 55.858411 -4.224538
G31 1JD 1 1 55.860161 -4.229671
G31 1JF 11 11 55.858681 -4.229986
G31 1JT 7 0 55.855786 -4.216923
G31 1JY 4 2 55.857997 -4.20911
G31 1JZ 2 2 55.857954 -4.208021
G31 1LL 1 1 55.858791 -4.209954
G31 1LQ 14 0 55.856815 -4.203882
G31 1LR 30 0 55.85813 -4.205488
G31 1LZ 6 3 55.858006 -4.203899
G31 1NG 2 2 55.858179 -4.212492
G31 1NT 2 2 55.857875 -4.211916
G31 1NU 11 5 55.857162 -4.212863
G31 1NW 33 1 55.858456 -4.21185
G31 1NZ 2 2 55.857076 -4.208898
G31 1PD 5 3 55.857959 -4.21077
G31 1PG 1 1 55.857066 -4.208418
G31 1PQ 2 2 55.857216 -4.207612
G31 1PX 19 7 55.85828 -4.217177
G31 1PY 26 4 55.858593 -4.215773