all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G3 8GZ 1 1 55.862363 -4.272657
G3 8JR 1 1 55.861685 -4.281135
G3 8TY 1 1 55.864908 -4.28537
G3 9AF 1 1 55.868735 -4.243477
G3 9BJ 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 9BY 1 55.868735 -4.243477
G3 9EH 1 1 55.868735 -4.243477
G3 9DR 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 9DS 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 9EL 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 9EN 1 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 9ER 1 55.86874 -4.243491
G3 9ES 1 55.868735 -4.243477
G3 9ET 1 1 55.868735 -4.243477
G31 1AA 37 2 55.857693 -4.224303
G31 1AD 18 1 55.856109 -4.227903
G31 1AF 76 0 55.855777 -4.226366
G31 1AL 16 0 55.856171 -4.22543
G31 1AN 44 0 55.856206 -4.227192
G31 1AP 16 0 55.855521 -4.225842