all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G31 4PW 10 0 55.846214 -4.195915
G31 4PX 3 0 55.845683 -4.195422
G31 4QA 2 2 55.843902 -4.193727
G31 4QG 5 3 55.843425 -4.192515
G31 4RA 1 1 55.846779 -4.191953
G31 4RB 51 2 55.846044 -4.191321
G31 4RE 18 0 55.8451 -4.190836
G31 4RF 15 0 55.84533 -4.188485
G31 4RG 33 0 55.846075 -4.189597
G31 4RN 6 0 55.844992 -4.188322
G31 4RP 10 0 55.845731 -4.18969
G31 4RT 30 0 55.845759 -4.190186
G31 4RU 17 0 55.845335 -4.190227
G31 4SA 8 0 55.844753 -4.191663
G31 4SB 30 0 55.844524 -4.19189
G31 4SE 9 0 55.843905 -4.189811
G31 4SF 42 0 55.843772 -4.190203
G31 4SG 30 0 55.84347 -4.190489
G31 4SH 18 0 55.844231 -4.192161
G31 4SJ 12 0 55.844606 -4.192584