all postcodes in G3 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G3 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G31 4SQ 24 0 55.843927 -4.191074
G31 4ST 26 8 55.851056 -4.19753
G31 4SZ 9 0 55.850583 -4.197344
G31 4TA 30 0 55.850052 -4.197873
G31 4TB 62 1 55.850236 -4.198155
G31 4TF 31 2 55.85001 -4.196736
G31 4TL 12 0 55.849179 -4.197967
G31 4TP 13 0 55.849173 -4.198798
G31 4TR 12 0 55.848906 -4.200173
G31 4TS 60 0 55.848951 -4.199379
G31 4UG 82 11 55.850824 -4.195666
G31 4UH 17 0 55.850004 -4.193029
G31 4UN 21 2 55.849456 -4.191497
G31 4UP 32 0 55.848826 -4.189771
G31 4UR 25 2 55.848832 -4.190711
G31 4UT 15 0 55.848566 -4.190715
G31 4UW 25 1 55.849054 -4.190356
G31 4UZ 26 2 55.849666 -4.193314
G31 4XA 33 3 55.850152 -4.194779
G31 4XB 26 0 55.850603 -4.196195