all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G4 0NS 1 1 55.863759 -4.240631
G4 0NT 3 2 55.864223 -4.243537
G4 0NW 1 1 55.862091 -4.241145
G4 0NY 66 2 55.864674 -4.241755
G4 0NZ 64 0 55.864674 -4.241755
G4 0PA 64 0 55.864674 -4.241755
G4 0PB 64 0 55.8656 -4.242224
G4 0PD 64 0 55.8656 -4.242224
G4 0PE 64 0 55.8656 -4.242224
G4 0PF 56 0 55.865538 -4.247574
G4 0PG 64 0 55.864945 -4.246101
G4 0PH 48 0 55.865362 -4.24392
G4 0PJ 25 0 55.865105 -4.242259
G4 0PL 66 1 55.865205 -4.240219
G4 0PN 40 0 55.866844 -4.24001
G4 0PP 71 7 55.866447 -4.243583
G4 0PQ 48 0 55.866135 -4.239953
G4 0PR 64 0 55.866153 -4.245915
G4 0PT 3 3 55.86868 -4.242052
G4 0PU 16 0 55.866497 -4.246465