all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G4 0PW 48 0 55.86663 -4.240924
G4 0PX 2 2 55.865261 -4.237348
G4 0QG 25 25 55.862682 -4.238813
G4 0QR 35 7 55.860631 -4.239668
G4 0QS 25 5 55.860889 -4.23882
G4 0QT 45 6 55.860575 -4.238834
G4 0QU 1 1 55.862846 -4.243423
G4 0QY 28 0 55.861086 -4.235923
G4 0QZ 1 1 55.863061 -4.234582
G4 0RA 1 1 55.862076 -4.237306
G4 0RD 20 2 55.863178 -4.237993
G4 0RH 1 1 55.862538 -4.236376
G4 0RL 40 0 55.868136 -4.259328
G4 0RQ 1 1 55.862792 -4.242623
G4 0RX 1 1 55.865613 -4.237557
G4 0SF 1 1 55.86403 -4.23566
G4 0SN 41 1 55.868751 -4.259588
G4 0SY 73 0 55.868167 -4.258627
G4 0TA 98 0 55.858073 -4.240959
G4 0TD 55 0 55.857196 -4.240781