all postcodes in G4 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G4 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G4 0TE 59 0 55.857458 -4.241659
G4 0TG 50 1 55.856803 -4.240646
G4 0TH 46 0 55.85801 -4.239981
G4 0TL 4 3 55.855872 -4.236185
G4 0TP 7 6 55.855547 -4.236547
G4 0TQ 58 8 55.857594 -4.242114
G4 0TR 5 5 55.855532 -4.235396
G4 0TS 1 1 55.855088 -4.236811
G4 0TT 2 2 55.855055 -4.236918
G4 0TU 21 5 55.855189 -4.235967
G4 0TX 30 3 55.855407 -4.234097
G4 0TZ 2 2 55.856635 -4.23233
G4 0UE 2 2 55.858534 -4.23164
G4 0UL 48 6 55.860346 -4.238533
G4 0UN 1 0 55.860082 -4.236265
G4 0UP 11 1 55.85903 -4.232337
G4 0UQ 32 0 55.860832 -4.235061
G4 0UT 5 1 55.861201 -4.234539
G4 0UU 32 0 55.860774 -4.234275
G4 0UW 9 5 55.859526 -4.235452