all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3HS 25 0 55.823553 -4.280515
G41 3HT 47 2 55.82319 -4.27928
G41 3HU 40 0 55.822856 -4.279357
G41 3HW 40 0 55.823616 -4.283424
G41 3HX 24 0 55.82264 -4.27837
G41 3HY 82 0 55.827664 -4.276444
G41 3JA 1 1 55.827243 -4.284357
G41 3JE 36 5 55.826801 -4.284697
G41 3JF 38 9 55.826288 -4.285194
G41 3JG 11 2 55.825838 -4.285231
G41 3JH 63 0 55.824935 -4.284492
G41 3JJ 7 0 55.825373 -4.283671
G41 3JL 5 0 55.825632 -4.284245
G41 3JN 9 0 55.825908 -4.283894
G41 3JP 29 0 55.826245 -4.283163
G41 3JQ 16 0 55.825381 -4.285382
G41 3JR 3 0 55.826735 -4.282905
G41 3JS 12 0 55.826959 -4.28268
G41 3JT 40 0 55.826404 -4.283827
G41 3JU 40 0 55.826631 -4.284176