all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3NF 1 1 55.827874 -4.28452
G41 3NG 27 2 55.829869 -4.282609
G41 3NH 22 11 55.829868 -4.28213
G41 3NN 27 19 55.828472 -4.283982
G41 3NS 28 4 55.827806 -4.286257
G41 3NY 36 0 55.828011 -4.286332
G41 3NZ 38 1 55.828306 -4.285935
G41 3PA 8 0 55.82753 -4.28656
G41 3PB 52 0 55.827045 -4.286531
G41 3PD 22 0 55.826866 -4.285563
G41 3PE 31 0 55.827352 -4.286485
G41 3PF 37 1 55.827145 -4.285515
G41 3PG 32 12 55.826843 -4.285354
G41 3PH 1 1 55.828995 -4.282448
G41 3PP 42 4 55.826596 -4.286521
G41 3PR 1 1 55.826547 -4.285993
G41 3PT 34 1 55.826023 -4.287096
G41 3PU 24 0 55.825758 -4.287158
G41 3PX 16 0 55.825808 -4.288073
G41 3PY 40 0 55.826071 -4.288646