all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 2QQ 32 5 55.837949 -4.268006
G41 2QR 2 1 55.830993 -4.277439
G41 2QS 14 1 55.830981 -4.278347
G41 2QX 26 1 55.839082 -4.273806
G41 2QY 20 0 55.839269 -4.274376
G41 2QZ 6 0 55.839612 -4.275753
G41 2RD 4 1 55.840828 -4.277581
G41 2RE 6 0 55.843481 -4.276507
G41 2RF 38 0 55.843553 -4.275552
G41 2RG 20 0 55.844131 -4.275379
G41 2RH 24 0 55.843183 -4.275131
G41 2RJ 11 0 55.842811 -4.275333
G41 2RN 14 4 55.842457 -4.275488
G41 2RQ 30 0 55.843799 -4.274848
G41 2RR 7 0 55.84156 -4.276378
G41 2RS 14 0 55.841176 -4.276228
G41 2RT 10 0 55.841033 -4.276667
G41 2RU 8 0 55.840363 -4.276963
G41 2RW 29 0 55.841944 -4.276243
G41 2SE 16 14 55.842893 -4.269142