all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 2SJ 1 1 55.841777 -4.269716
G41 2SP 9 5 55.843169 -4.269556
G41 2SS 11 0 55.842177 -4.270728
G41 2SU 17 7 55.841477 -4.27016
G41 2SX 26 1 55.841011 -4.270117
G41 2SY 2 2 55.840133 -4.270147
G41 2SZ 11 0 55.840777 -4.270614
G41 2TA 31 1 55.841218 -4.270544
G41 2TB 30 0 55.841279 -4.271155
G41 2TE 8 1 55.840944 -4.27179
G41 2TL 1 1 55.839833 -4.265993
G41 2TR 22 0 55.828097 -4.272941
G41 2TY 1 1 55.842976 -4.269289
G41 2PH 6 0 55.839506 -4.267394
G41 2QA 29 0 55.837655 -4.268324
G41 3AA 38 4 55.82962 -4.280998
G41 3AB 37 5 55.829833 -4.280675
G41 3AD 36 2 55.829624 -4.279785
G41 3AE 40 2 55.830238 -4.27888
G41 3AF 28 0 55.830496 -4.277855