all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G41 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 3ES 35 0 55.826954 -4.279836
G41 3EU 49 0 55.827178 -4.278444
G41 3EW 24 0 55.82786 -4.279426
G41 3EX 51 0 55.826682 -4.279469
G41 3EY 51 1 55.825309 -4.281304
G41 3HA 65 0 55.828516 -4.277053
G41 3HB 76 0 55.828248 -4.277916
G41 3HG 32 0 55.824617 -4.28278
G41 3HH 40 0 55.824272 -4.28391
G41 3HJ 48 0 55.824038 -4.28198
G41 3HL 17 0 55.823962 -4.28271
G41 3HN 40 0 55.823952 -4.283699
G41 3HP 48 0 55.82346 -4.282154
G41 3HQ 18 0 55.824603 -4.284025
G41 3HR 48 0 55.823192 -4.280621
G41 3HS 25 0 55.823553 -4.280515
G41 3HT 47 2 55.82319 -4.27928
G41 3HU 40 0 55.822856 -4.279357
G41 3HW 40 0 55.823616 -4.283424
G41 3HX 24 0 55.82264 -4.27837