all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 1PP 1 1 55.845772 -4.271419
G41 1PS 1 0 55.843861 -4.260315
G41 1PT 1 1 55.843136 -4.261825
G41 1PU 3 2 55.847184 -4.255766
G41 1PX 32 0 55.847705 -4.257008
G41 1PY 40 0 55.847287 -4.257767
G41 1PZ 1 1 55.846436 -4.258069
G41 1QD 50 0 55.84146 -4.265255
G41 1QE 43 4 55.843238 -4.263378
G41 1QH 52 1 55.842671 -4.26392
G41 1QP 20 1 55.842939 -4.263219
G41 1QQ 1 0 55.842983 -4.265504
G41 1QS 41 5 55.842601 -4.263325
G41 1QT 33 3 55.841727 -4.263913
G41 1QU 7 0 55.84157 -4.264144
G41 1QZ 3 3 55.841185 -4.264283
G41 1RB 1 1 55.846481 -4.256827
G41 1RD 6 1 55.845847 -4.257843
G41 1RH 33 0 55.840984 -4.265437
G41 1RL 1 1 55.844562 -4.258343