all postcodes in G41 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G41 1RR 14 11 55.849375 -4.292765
G41 1SB 14 11 55.851037 -4.285546
G41 1SS 3 1 55.84366 -4.267015
G41 1SU 24 0 55.844434 -4.270141
G41 1TD 13 9 55.844133 -4.273829
G41 1TE 12 8 55.843984 -4.272622
G41 1TG 1 1 55.843717 -4.270277
G41 1TQ 6 0 55.844274 -4.274956
G41 1WB 1 1 55.840761 -4.263697
G41 1ZY 1 1 55.840761 -4.263697
G41 1QB 1 55.844453 -4.260829
G41 1PG 56 0 55.845969 -4.274144
G41 1NW 40 0 55.846492 -4.274558
G41 1QG 24 0 55.846251 -4.273474
G41 1RJ 0 55.841792 -4.26577
G41 1DU 0 55.852368 -4.28436
G41 1RN 48 0 55.842082 -4.266106
G41 1AG 30 0 55.842382 -4.264958
G41 1AJ 20 0 55.842114 -4.265341
G41 1AL 24 0 55.842203 -4.265636