all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 3RE 3 3 55.856456 -4.321098
G51 3RG 4 0 55.856328 -4.321713
G51 3RH 34 3 55.855434 -4.323176
G51 3RJ 11 0 55.854736 -4.32347
G51 3RL 4 0 55.854397 -4.322395
G51 3RN 1 1 55.853796 -4.321353
G51 3RP 4 0 55.854668 -4.3223
G51 3RQ 28 1 55.856189 -4.322839
G51 3RR 11 3 55.855932 -4.321528
G51 3RT 12 0 55.854476 -4.321074
G51 3RU 6 0 55.854599 -4.320234
G51 3RW 8 0 55.854556 -4.321558
G51 3RX 10 0 55.854749 -4.320898
G51 3SA 4 0 55.85582 -4.321939
G51 3SE 69 0 55.859957 -4.31731
G51 3SF 51 0 55.860476 -4.316014
G51 3SG 1 1 55.8589 -4.324294
G51 3SH 31 0 55.860246 -4.322187
G51 3SJ 32 1 55.860691 -4.321957
G51 3SL 42 0 55.86114 -4.321807