all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 3SR 24 0 55.85902 -4.322224
G51 3SS 35 1 55.859305 -4.322051
G51 3ST 33 1 55.859019 -4.322719
G51 3SU 31 0 55.859454 -4.322521
G51 3SX 28 2 55.858444 -4.321774
G51 3SY 33 0 55.858239 -4.322177
G51 3SZ 1 0 55.858234 -4.323105
G51 3TA 25 1 55.85862 -4.321497
G51 3TB 18 2 55.859018 -4.321345
G51 3TR 52 37 55.85732 -4.322443
G51 3TW 11 0 55.861535 -4.320392
G51 3TY 30 0 55.861555 -4.322151
G51 3TZ 1 1 55.861991 -4.321954
G51 3UB 16 0 55.860868 -4.321423
G51 3UD 14 0 55.862061 -4.321079
G51 3UP 18 1 55.863281 -4.311852
G51 3UT 29 2 55.863565 -4.311867
G51 3UU 2 2 55.863617 -4.312623
G51 3UW 15 8 55.863313 -4.311598
G51 3XG 30 0 55.86039 -4.322945