all postcodes in G51 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G51 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G51 3XH 40 0 55.86126 -4.322581
G51 3XJ 30 0 55.860932 -4.323265
G51 3XL 40 1 55.859819 -4.323182
G51 3XN 28 0 55.859385 -4.323364
G51 3XP 20 0 55.857942 -4.324572
G51 3XQ 32 0 55.860798 -4.322777
G51 3XR 63 1 55.859669 -4.324963
G51 3XS 7 0 55.857889 -4.325944
G51 3XT 24 0 55.857909 -4.325353
G51 3XW 25 1 55.859899 -4.323715
G51 3YD 30 1 55.857052 -4.324088
G51 3AD 9 8 55.853663 -4.319094
G51 3AR 1 55.850753 -4.317848
G51 3NL 0 55.861161 -4.317797
G51 3TL 0 55.86189 -4.31824
G51 3NJ 0 55.861367 -4.318337
G51 3AS 0 55.864642 -4.31623
G51 3AT 0 55.864652 -4.315704
G51 3AU 0 55.864893 -4.315286
G51 3PA 24 0 55.863136 -4.319864