all postcodes in G52 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G52 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G52 3DU 28 0 55.843294 -4.342451
G52 3DW 24 0 55.841443 -4.341493
G52 3DX 30 0 55.842919 -4.342301
G52 3DY 30 0 55.842536 -4.34215
G52 3DZ 20 0 55.841935 -4.343487
G52 3EA 32 0 55.842865 -4.34423
G52 3EB 8 0 55.84225 -4.344433
G52 3EH 16 0 55.84441 -4.34755
G52 3EJ 16 0 55.843897 -4.348525
G52 3EL 43 0 55.84478 -4.349346
G52 3EN 11 0 55.844356 -4.349464
G52 3EP 16 0 55.844668 -4.350968
G52 3EQ 9 0 55.845145 -4.342035
G52 3ER 32 0 55.843751 -4.347223
G52 3ES 52 0 55.842573 -4.3468
G52 3ET 20 0 55.841624 -4.346615
G52 3EU 54 0 55.841157 -4.344702
G52 3EW 17 0 55.845029 -4.349984
G52 3EX 22 0 55.84164 -4.348134
G52 3EY 36 0 55.842571 -4.347391