all postcodes in G52 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G52 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G52 3EZ 16 0 55.843319 -4.348235
G52 3HA 32 0 55.842611 -4.349055
G52 3HB 20 0 55.842081 -4.349039
G52 3HD 5 1 55.842182 -4.34986
G52 3HE 12 0 55.842857 -4.349836
G52 3HF 8 0 55.843249 -4.350946
G52 3HG 14 0 55.843302 -4.35194
G52 3HH 48 0 55.843522 -4.352177
G52 3HJ 44 0 55.843658 -4.349757
G52 3HL 67 0 55.841499 -4.350777
G52 3HN 44 0 55.841818 -4.350093
G52 3HP 6 0 55.841806 -4.345524
G52 3HQ 2 0 55.843048 -4.352693
G52 3HW 20 0 55.841235 -4.346768
G52 3HY 18 0 55.84512 -4.35181
G52 3HZ 4 0 55.843949 -4.351182
G52 3JA 12 0 55.844618 -4.352211
G52 3JB 20 0 55.84514 -4.352626
G52 3JD 8 0 55.844013 -4.353277
G52 3JE 10 0 55.844576 -4.353471