all postcodes in G53 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G53 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G53 7LU 44 0 55.810294 -4.36345
G53 7LW 16 0 55.809016 -4.364011
G53 7LJ 75 0 55.807709 -4.36232
G53 7NL 63 0 55.808695 -4.358725
G53 7NN 14 6 55.811584 -4.363418
G53 7NP 67 0 55.828272 -4.367495
G53 7NR 23 0 55.827257 -4.367465
G53 7NS 8 0 55.827828 -4.368155
G53 7NW 22 0 55.828905 -4.366847
G53 7NX 1 1 55.811459 -4.359612
G53 7PA 23 0 55.805355 -4.352906
G53 7PB 16 0 55.810648 -4.340217
G53 7PD 8 0 55.810736 -4.338914
G53 7PE 10 0 55.81057 -4.337707
G53 7PF 47 0 55.810138 -4.335846
G53 7PG 40 0 55.809268 -4.335793
G53 7PH 33 0 55.823226 -4.358806
G53 7PJ 12 0 55.809056 -4.346921
G53 7PL 24 0 55.828031 -4.366027
G53 7PN 8 0 55.809072 -4.338064