all postcodes in G53 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G53 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G53 7PQ 6 0 55.826465 -4.363793
G53 7PS 42 0 55.814374 -4.366715
G53 7PU 24 0 55.815913 -4.366617
G53 7PX 24 0 55.815428 -4.367513
G53 7PY 24 0 55.814602 -4.368915
G53 7PZ 24 0 55.81416 -4.368984
G53 7QA 12 0 55.810729 -4.33454
G53 7QB 10 0 55.80712 -4.352262
G53 7QE 24 0 55.810306 -4.336941
G53 7QF 23 0 55.813129 -4.368395
G53 7QG 36 0 55.813086 -4.366429
G53 7QJ 18 0 55.805863 -4.353112
G53 7QP 4 0 55.809814 -4.336353
G53 7QQ 22 0 55.813395 -4.367166
G53 7QS 10 8 55.811419 -4.351165
G53 7QT 10 0 55.809568 -4.337024
G53 7QU 32 0 55.806534 -4.352339
G53 7QW 50 0 55.810441 -4.344514
G53 7QY 29 0 55.809699 -4.345236
G53 7QZ 18 0 55.80619 -4.354345