all postcodes in G53 / GLASGOW

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Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G53 5LA 12 1 55.828674 -4.348438
G53 5LB 15 3 55.828726 -4.349
G53 5LE 8 0 55.828721 -4.346445
G53 5LF 34 0 55.829733 -4.346649
G53 5LG 12 0 55.830257 -4.347895
G53 5LH 12 0 55.830357 -4.346911
G53 5LJ 18 0 55.829729 -4.345915
G53 5LL 16 0 55.831377 -4.346685
G53 5LN 34 0 55.830525 -4.346074
G53 5LP 16 0 55.831924 -4.345328
G53 5LQ 32 0 55.831348 -4.347721
G53 5LR 6 0 55.831994 -4.346818
G53 5LS 6 0 55.832029 -4.347842
G53 5LT 5 0 55.832589 -4.347221
G53 5LU 9 0 55.832526 -4.345317
G53 5LW 36 1 55.830884 -4.345665
G53 5LX 25 0 55.833139 -4.346647
G53 5LY 6 0 55.833128 -4.347684
G53 5LZ 30 0 55.834201 -4.34751
G53 5NA 12 1 55.834829 -4.348506