all postcodes in G53 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G53 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G53 5PN 6 0 55.833602 -4.341676
G53 5PP 14 0 55.835114 -4.345808
G53 5PQ 24 0 55.834673 -4.343018
G53 5PR 33 0 55.833511 -4.346462
G53 5PS 8 0 55.832675 -4.343649
G53 5PT 38 0 55.833731 -4.34055
G53 5PW 30 0 55.834221 -4.343135
G53 5QB 16 0 55.832417 -4.342068
G53 5QD 1 1 55.832228 -4.340877
G53 5QT 20 0 55.83339 -4.3584
G53 5QU 13 0 55.834562 -4.359653
G53 5QX 20 0 55.834962 -4.3622
G53 5QY 45 0 55.835641 -4.360565
G53 5QZ 4 0 55.83479 -4.360578
G53 5RA 4 0 55.835469 -4.359885
G53 5RB 4 0 55.835921 -4.359257
G53 5RD 5 0 55.837262 -4.358059
G53 5RH 8 0 55.838559 -4.358378
G53 5RJ 8 0 55.83937 -4.357772
G53 5RL 46 0 55.839535 -4.359491