all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 1EQ 17 0 55.934996 -4.169219
G66 1ER 4 0 55.935331 -4.168021
G66 1ES 5 0 55.935348 -4.166597
G66 1ET 3 0 55.935667 -4.165318
G66 1EU 18 0 55.937864 -4.161486
G66 1EW 15 0 55.935079 -4.166518
G66 1EX 5 0 55.937626 -4.160208
G66 1EY 8 0 55.936873 -4.162135
G66 1EZ 16 0 55.936843 -4.160276
G66 1HA 9 0 55.936079 -4.160762
G66 1HB 6 5 55.938167 -4.155995
G66 1HD 1 1 55.938638 -4.155797
G66 1HE 32 2 55.937156 -4.158276
G66 1HF 1 1 55.938555 -4.155408
G66 1HN 26 16 55.940311 -4.158276
G66 1HP 10 10 55.939996 -4.156737
G66 1HS 1 1 55.940805 -4.156718
G66 1HW 62 29 55.940587 -4.157891
G66 1HZ 2 2 55.940066 -4.155544
G66 1JB 7 7 55.939379 -4.15555