all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 1JD 16 16 55.939606 -4.156427
G66 1JF 35 3 55.938899 -4.160391
G66 1JH 19 14 55.939443 -4.157222
G66 1JJ 1 1 55.942347 -4.165147
G66 1JL 26 0 55.938727 -4.158924
G66 1JN 1 1 55.93845 -4.159853
G66 1JU 5 5 55.93902 -4.15601
G66 1JT 3 3 55.939168 -4.155794
G66 1JW 25 0 55.938137 -4.160284
G66 1JX 1 1 55.938728 -4.155982
G66 1JZ 27 1 55.937962 -4.15949
G66 1LA 6 0 55.938293 -4.172546
G66 1LF 38 3 55.938004 -4.158644
G66 1LG 31 0 55.937809 -4.157944
G66 1LH 24 0 55.938605 -4.171999
G66 1LJ 3 2 55.939507 -4.155941
G66 1LL 60 0 55.937427 -4.152543
G66 1LQ 30 0 55.938548 -4.156784
G66 1LR 21 1 55.93866 -4.15298
G66 1NB 28 0 55.938275 -4.15291