all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 1PU 6 5 55.942159 -4.156637
G66 1PX 1 1 55.941326 -4.156991
G66 1PY 33 5 55.942026 -4.154467
G66 1PZ 33 3 55.942489 -4.154473
G66 1QA 19 10 55.942356 -4.153061
G66 1QB 12 0 55.942595 -4.152542
G66 1QD 6 2 55.942849 -4.152924
G66 1QE 15 8 55.94355 -4.152947
G66 1QF 9 4 55.946196 -4.141086
G66 1QG 7 6 55.942824 -4.151802
G66 1QH 39 5 55.942156 -4.151624
G66 1QJ 2 1 55.942152 -4.151368
G66 1QL 6 2 55.941622 -4.151671
G66 1QN 12 0 55.94424 -4.144305
G66 1QQ 39 1 55.944803 -4.142911
G66 1QU 13 0 55.945136 -4.141344
G66 1QX 13 0 55.946243 -4.138682
G66 1QY 11 9 55.941057 -4.151559
G66 1QZ 1 1 55.941238 -4.15205
G66 1RA 1 1 55.937005 -4.154617