all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 1RB 50 0 55.944041 -4.152077
G66 1RD 47 0 55.944005 -4.150538
G66 1RH 5 1 55.931352 -4.188259
G66 1RJ 5 0 55.93225 -4.188985
G66 1RN 14 4 55.943281 -4.171332
G66 1RP 2 1 55.945964 -4.143011
G66 1RS 5 0 55.953101 -4.137058
G66 1RT 1 0 55.949268 -4.130285
G66 1RU 2 0 55.950436 -4.116751
G66 1RW 10 0 55.952537 -4.158572
G66 1RX 7 0 55.948792 -4.119587
G66 1SL 41 33 55.941937 -4.164419
G66 1SS 25 24 55.943422 -4.160967
G66 1ST 1 1 55.943389 -4.15978
G66 1SW 1 1 55.942842 -4.160726
G66 1SY 16 12 55.944693 -4.154884
G66 1TA 1 1 55.943337 -4.151962
G66 1TF 1 1 55.947058 -4.140393
G66 1TP 1 1 55.94799 -4.137946
G66 1TQ 1 1 55.946459 -4.141225