all postcodes in G66 / GLASGOW

find any address or company within the G66 postcode district

Postcode Area

G / Glasgow

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
G66 5DR 4 0 55.906557 -4.14992
G66 5DS 8 0 55.907062 -4.149324
G66 5DT 20 0 55.90814 -4.149848
G66 5DU 18 2 55.908463 -4.151465
G66 5DW 13 1 55.908363 -4.149444
G66 5DX 4 0 55.907713 -4.152192
G66 5DY 13 0 55.908156 -4.153576
G66 5DZ 55 0 55.907491 -4.152036
G66 5EA 23 0 55.907744 -4.150418
G66 5EB 33 0 55.908571 -4.152463
G66 5ED 2 0 55.904439 -4.142783
G66 5EL 33 0 55.921603 -4.144703
G66 5ER 3 0 55.921147 -4.152793
G66 5ES 7 0 55.919461 -4.151035
G66 5ET 1 1 55.919966 -4.150951
G66 5EU 5 0 55.919295 -4.15181
G66 5EX 2 1 55.918461 -4.149863
G66 5EY 31 1 55.918494 -4.150585
G66 5EZ 1 1 55.918034 -4.149647
G66 5HA 5 0 55.918292 -4.151082